Shell fossil
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Scientific Name
Crassatellidae Eucrassatella nana (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 新竹縣竹東鎮,竹東玻璃公司採砂場,錦水頁岩
Crassatellidae Eucrassatella nana (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 南投縣國姓鄉附近-南港溪北側土牛橋水裡坑層,樟湖坑段;北山-茗山橋及北港溪北側神仙島下流100公尺,水長流層;埔尾地方之白冷層
Crassatellidae Eucrassatella nana (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 新竹縣竹東鎮獅頭山,獅頭山遊樂場,桂竹林層
Crassatellidae Eucrassatella nana (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 基隆市東方鼻頭角之鼻頭層
Crassatellidae Eucrassatella nana (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 基隆市東方鼻頭角之鼻頭層;南橫公路, 桂竹林層;花蓮長虹橋,港口石灰岩
Crassatellidae Eucrassatella nana (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 南橫公路, 桂竹林層
Glossidae Meiocardia tetragona (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 恆春半島恆春西台地四溝層
Dentaliidae Fissidentalium formosum (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 恆春半島恆春西台地四溝層(Szekou Formation of the western Hengchun tableland, Hengchun Peninsula)
Pectinidae Argopecten asperulata (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 恆春半島恆春西台地四溝層
Pectinidae Argopecten asperulata (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 恆春半島恆春石灰岩 (Hengchun Limestone, Hengchun Peninsula)
Pectinidae Argopecten asperulata (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 恆春半島恆春石灰岩 (Hengchun Limestone, Hengchun Peninsula)
Veneridae Timoclea costellifera (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 台中縣東勢鎮
Veneridae Timoclea costellifera (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 苗栗縣出磺坑地方
Veneridae Timoclea costellifera (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 新竹縣竹東鎮獅頭山,獅頭山遊樂場旁,桂竹林層
Veneridae Timoclea costellifera (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) 澎湖漁翁島群

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